Request for the Resident Manager for the Vauxhall Academy of Baseball!

Horizon School Division No. 67

Request for Proposals

Resident Manager

for the

Vauxhall Academy of Baseball

Vauxhall High School

Vauxhall, Alberta

Horizon School Division is soliciting Requests for Proposals (RFP) for the provision of Resident Manager services under an Independent Contract for Services, for 22 student-athletes residing in the Vauxhall Academy of Baseball dormitory, attached to the Vauxhall High School, for the term August 25, 2012 to June 30, 2013.  Vauxhall High School has recently undergone a major modernization project including the development of a 22 bed dormitory facility and a three bedroom residence (suite) where the Resident Manager will reside.


Request for Proposals must be submitted in hard copy before 2:00 p.m. on June 21, 2012.


Request for Proposal documents including terms, conditions, instructions and stipulated RFP submission form can be obtained electronically by registering name, address and contact information from the individual identified below.


RFP provisions including possible extension of services beyond the 2012-2013 school year and an opportunity to express an interest in value added options such as provision of outings and activities during the winter months.


Interested parties may obtain the RFP documents by contacting:


John Rakai – Associate Superintendent

Horizon School Division No. 67

6302 – 56 Street

Taber, Alberta

T1G 1Z9

Ph: 403-223-3547 (ext. 10043)

Fx: 403-223-2999

[email protected]