Costs and Fees

Academy Fee Schedule

The fees for the Academy are $15,600.

Fee Breakdown

Administration (office supplies, salaries, technology, travel) $3300
Competition (accommodation, entry fees, officiating, travel, uniforms and gear, equipment and aids) $2400
Housing (residence, transportation) $5000
Other instructors (sport psychologist, nutritionist, athletic therapist, etc.) $2400
Other (marketing, recruitment, advertising, equipment, etc.) $1500
Total: 15,600


The Province of Alberta has a variety of scholarships that you may be eligible for based on various criteria. To help you search for available scholarships as provided by the Alberta Government search the Alberta Learning Information Service website. Alberta students are also eligible for the Alexander Rutherford scholarship that provides financial assistance based on the students grades in their high school years.

The Vauxhall Academy is currently reviewing the concepts of offering financial scholarships to recruit high calibre athletes to our program. These scholarships will be announced as they are developed.