The VAB is excited for the 11th annual Awards/Scholarship Fundraising Banquet March 4th, 2017 at the Vauxhall Community Hall (5 pm cocktails and 5:45 pm program begins). Jesse Barfield will be our featured speaker at this years event following his 12 year career with the Yankees and Blue Jays. Jesse’s career was highlighted with winning the 1986 American League HR crown, 2 X Gold Glove winner and allstar.
The evening will once again be highlighted by the Reno Lizzi Scholarships as well as several other Awards and Scholarship presentations. A silent auction, live auction and raffles will be going on throughout the evening
Some of the highlight auction items will be posted prior to the banquet.
Please contact Lynda Unruh at [email protected] for tickets. Tickets cost is $60/ticket or $450/table of 8.