Community Involvement “Started in the fall of 2006.”
- Jets Student-Athletes are involved in many community activities and the program feels very strongly and encourages our athletes to give back to Vauxhall and their own home communities/provinces.
- AADAC – Anti-spit tobacco campaign and presentations. 6-9 student-athletes spend several weeks organizing and presenting interactive messages about the harmful effects of chewing tobacco. Over the last 3 years over 1000 Junior High students have been affected by the Jets presentations. The event has been sponsored by the Alberta Government and New Era Hat Company.
- Senior Nights – most Thursday evenings throughout the winter several student-athletes interact with the locals seniors at the Senior Centre.
- Minor Ball Coaching – the majority of the minor balls teams are coached by Jets student-athletes.
- Basketball Coaching – Vauxhall Junior High boy’s basketball teams are coached by several Jets student-athletes.
- Officiating – many volleyball, basketball, minor baseball and high school baseball as well as minor hockey games are refereed by our student-athletes.
- Banquet Set-up – the majority of the community events, farmers markets, banquets, etc are set-up and taken down by our student-athletes.
- Baseball Camps – the Academy conducts and instructs several high performance development camps throughout the fall, winter and spring.
- Youth Involvement – several Jets student-athletes will interact communicate and make connections with youth in the Vauxhall Elementary School.
- Many more initiatives are be constructed and created each year.
- BETTER PERSON – BETTER PLAYER – in that order!